Category: Resensi


Komik Sufi Rumi: Kisah dan Hikmah Pencerah Hati

Hai bunda, Resensi buku kali ini adalah buku terbitan Mizania Komik. Sejujurnya saya adalah penggemar buku buku terbitan Mizan, kenapa? Karena buku bukunya bagus dan berbobot. Beberapa buku seperti Quranic Wisdom, Meraih Cinta Ilahi...


Back to The Zero Point

This article inspired by Paulo Coelho on his book The Alchemist."Go!, explore the world, see and look for the truth and the secret of life. Whatever the way that you choose, it will guide...


Life of Pi

I am falling in love with yann martell and ang lee. Yan Martel is the author of life of pie, and ang lee is the director of the movies with same tittle. i like...


The Book of Life

This posting will explore about my impression after I watched the book of life movies. Why this movie grab my attention, it just because of the value and message from this movie.From the beginning,...

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